我到京都拜訪我的朋友Nara,我們去年在南京的青年旅舍認識。當我還在吉爾吉斯時,便起了去京都的念頭,後來則是在和Nara的一次聊天,一時感動,隔天就把機票和兩個星期的旅館預定好。我是住在Lonely planet上面查到的便宜背包客旅館Tour Club,直接把兩週的旅館定下後,剩下的細節我想就到京都後再說,因為日本的旅遊資訊非常豐富。
The survivors Jim met after his coma are Mark and Selena but later Mark was killed by Selena because he’s bitten and infected during a fight with zombies in Jim's house where they went for Jim's request of seeing if his parents were alive. But they had eaten pills to suicide and left a note to Jim on which they wrote about their despair of the hopeless and collapsing civilization.
They’re attacked due to Jim’s candle light in the night for watching photos reminiscent of his past family memory. So we can say Jim caused Mark’s infection. But, Selena is the person who killed Mark just because of suspicious. Jim asked her how was she sure Mark was infected? Selena answered that she would also kill Jim if he might have been infected, “in a heartbeat”. Never hesitate.
In the later plot, the director is talking about the gradual loss of hope and humanity, along with the devastation by virus. The military, government, and all society are stepping to ruins. And Danny Boyle conceived audience of Selena’s change by Hannah and her father Frank.
Just finish the SF novel "Spin". interesting, readable, but not very excellent. Something profound and touching, but if criticizes it with a serious yardstick, many things, including the story and the motif, there are still a few obvious defects even faults in it.
The story is quite simple and the writer separates them into two parts which causes a motive for readers to eager to know what happened and the connection between the two parts. And the problem is if either of them cannot sustain the strength but was turned into a tasteless plot, this kind arrangement would weaken the novel. At the final he gives us nothing but the time flow recombination. If we re-read it again but put them into a single time axis—put the present part after the past part—and I don’t tell the huge different and dramatic effect except giving readers a puzzle of how it’s going to be like this —yes, I circle back the origin I just said, and here we got the key: the truth is, the plot of present time is just a passage of not-so-hard struggling to the new world result from a abrupt reason the writer gives us hastily in the last few pages: they are hunted by government who wants to withdraws back the high-classified information including the documents and their bodies by violence and murder, and all of this doesn’t astonish me much. Therefore, this flashback becomes a burdensome arrangement.
This is one of the songs which had ever encouraged me to travel.